Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team
​Dave Knox
Dinesha Reddy
Deputy Principal - Student Support, Behaviour and Attendance
Sadash Banger
Deputy Principal – Quality of Education, Maths, MFL
Daniel Wright
Vice Principal – Personal Development, Social Sciences, PSHE
Darren Lovell
Vice Principal – Student Support, Off Site Direction, English, Year 10 & 11
Andrew Bowen
Vice Principal – Business & IT, Exams, Logistics, Data
Debbie Denny
Vice Principal – Student Support, Safeguarding, Creative Arts, Year 9
Jade Honeyghan
Director of Sixth Form
Jennifer Campbell
Vice Principal – Teacher Development, Science, Business & IT, Pupil Premium
Natalie Marnell
Vice Principal – Student Support, Transition, Year 7 & 8
Kelli Robinson
Vice Principal – SENDCo, Senior Mental Health Lead
Teaching Staff
- Mr D Lovell SLT Line Manager
- Mrs S Banger Deputy Principal
- Mr P Rafter Director of Learning – English
- Mrs N Malhi-Soggi Assistant Director of Learning – English
- Mr G Shaw Assistant Director of Learning - English
- Miss K Johal Interim Assistant Director of English - KS3
- Ms U Aziz English – KS5 Coordinator
- Miss S Patel English – KS3 Coordinator, Year 9
- Miss A Abbas English
- Ms M Francis English
- Miss A Iqbal English
- Mr R Minhas English
- Miss H Homer English
- Mrs S Banger SLT Line Manager
- Mr M Tariq Director of Learning – Mathematics
- Mr N Sanger Lead Practitioner - Mathematics
- Mrs M Fiaz Assistant Director of Learning – Mathematics
- Mrs J Lloyd Assistant Director of Learning – Mathematics
- Mr M Rahman Interim Assistant Director of Learning
- Ms P Jandu Mathematics - Lead Teacher for Year 9
- Mrs S Anwar Mathematics – KS5 Coordinator
- Mr R Alam Mathematics – KS3 Coordinator
- Miss S Khatun Mathematics - MEI Maths Coordinator
- Mr T Tariq Mathematics - Axiom Maths Coordinator
- Miss S Nicholas Mathematics
- Mrs E Sabin-Simpson Mathematics
- Ms J Campbell SLT Line Manager, Vice Principal
- Mr D Lovell – Vice Principal
- Mr J Mohr Director of Learning - Science
- Mr C Singh Lead Practitioner Science
- Mr M Wigfield Assistant Director of Learning KS5
- Mrs R Nessa Assistant Director of Learning KS4
- Mr W Evanson Assistant Director of Learning KS3
- Mr A Jaman Science – E-Learning Coordinator
- Mr S Bloomer Science
- Mr N Lane Science
- Mrs M Sharma Science
- Mr G Stacey Science
- Mr C Toney Science
Creative Arts
- Mrs D Denny SLT Line Manager
- Mrs K Robinson Vice Principal - SENDCo
- Miss C Brandy Director of Learning – Creative Arts
- Mr J Dodds Lead Practitioner & Subject Lead - Music
- Ms S Stafford Creative Arts – Subject Lead Art, Craft & Design
- Mr S Brown Creative Arts – Music
- Mrs C Robertson Creative Arts – Art
- Mr D Brown Creative Arts – Art Teacher & Technician
- Miss B Kerr Creative Arts - Drama
- Mr D Brown Creative Arts - Art teacher and Technician
- Mrs S Banger SLT Line Manager
- Mr D Knox Principal - History
- Mr D Wright Vice Principal - Geography
- Mrs N Marnell Vice Principal - Geography
- Miss C Bradley Lead Teacher Educator/ Principal Teacher of Pedagogy
- Mr R Smeaton Director of Learning – Humanities
- Miss A Khatun Humanities – Subject Lead for Religious Studies
- Ms M Khan Humanities - Subject Lead for Geography
- Mr F Khan Humanities - History
- Mrs A Wilton Humanities - Religious Studies
- Mrs E Joyce Humanities - Religious Studies
- Ms B Dore PSHE Curriculum Lead
- Mr C Goodison Humanities - Geography
- Mr A Lane Humanities - History
- Miss J Brade Humanities - History
- Miss T Fox-Roberts Humanities - Religious Studies
Business & ICT
- Ms J Campbell SLT Line Manager
- Mrs H Sehra Director of Learning – Business & IT
- Mrs R Johal Assistant Director of Learning - Business & IT
- Mrs S Dubb Subject Lead – Computing
- Mr S Khan Subject Lead - Law
- Miss R Alaudeen Business & IT
- Mr B Dhaled Business & IT
- Mrs T Wilson Business & IT
- Mr D Beale Business & IT, Senior Deputy DSL
- Mrs S Banger SLT Line Manager
- Mrs V Grego Director of Learning – Subject Lead French
- Mrs J Armitage Lead Practitioner – Modern Foreign Languages - Spanish
- Mrs D Thacker Spanish – Modern Foreign Languages
Health & Wellbeing
- Mrs D Reddy SLT Line Manager
- Mrs C Gill Director of Learning – Heath & Wellbeing
- Mr J Prentice Lead Practitioner - Health and Wellbeing
- Ms M Fry Health & Wellbeing – Physical Education
- Mrs L McKinney Health & Wellbeing, Subject Lead – Food & Nutrition
- Mrs P Davies Health & Wellbeing – Food & Nutrition, DofE Assistant Manager
- Mr A Gill Teacher of Boys PE
Social Science
- Mr D Wright SLT Line Manager
- Mrs D Denny Vice Principal
- Mrs J Honeyghan Director of Sixth Form - Health and Social Care / PSHE
- Mr M Mills Health and Social Care /PSHE/ Sports Studies
- Mr N Hutchins Director of Learning – Social Science
- Miss S Boddy Lead Practitioner Sixth Form / Subject Lead for Psychology
- Mrs N Khan Subject Lead – Health and Social Care
- Miss Z Gordon Subject Lead for Sociology
Sixth Form
- Mrs J Honeyghan Director of Sixth Form
- Mr F Khan Interim Head of Sixth Form
- Mr M Mills Head of Year 12
- Ms Z Gordon Subject Lead - Sociology - Head of Year 13
Associate Staff
Administrative Officers
- Miss A Akhson Careers Admin Support
- Mrs M Bahar Finance Assistant
- Miss L Cole Sixth Form Administrator
- Mrs C Dhaliwal Lead Sixth Form Administrator
- Mr P Evans Pastoral Liaison/ Attendance Officer
- Miss S Kaur Community Connector Officer
- Mrs A Ulhaq Attendance Manager
- Miss H Ulhaq Interim Attendance Manager (Maternity Cover)
- Mrs M L Gioan Language Assistant
- Ms J Hamilton Personal Assistant to the Principal
- Mrs B Mandair Administrative Officer
- Mrs A Mistry Central Community Strategy Lead
- Mr T Watson Student Support Services & Medical Officer
- Miss E O’Hanlon Examinations Officer
- Mr M Osmin Data Officer
- Miss A Ahmad Human Resources Administrator
- Mrs S Rashid Post-16 Engagement Officer
- Mrs L Smith Administrative Officer
- Mrs S Seniaray Business Admin - Leadership Support
- Mrs K Whitehouse Finance Officer
- Ms S Wilkins Director of Careers (Holyhead School & Gospel Oak School)
Technical Support
- Miss R Dhanjal Digital Content & Social Media Manager
- Mr M Giudici ICT Support Manager
- Mr E Griffiths Reprographics Technician
- Ms M Noble Librarian
- Mr N Parmar Laboratory Manager
- Mrs H Paul Science Technician
- Mr J Loyal Science Technician
- Mr A Singh IT Apprentice
- Miss Z Jamil ICT Support Officer
Classroom Supervisors
- Mr G Chaukria
- Mr C Schultis
- Miss N Munawaree
Achievement Assistants
- Mrs C Reid – HLTA
- Ms R Sogi – HLTA
- Ms R Akhtar - HLTA
- Mrs A Porter-Cuff Teaching Assistant
- Mr F Rashid Teaching Assistant
- Mr I Almane Achievement Assistant
- Mr R Bath Achievement Assistant
- Ms T Ayana EAL Coordinator
Heads of Year & Inclusion
- Mrs T Edwards – Head of Year 7
- Ms N Malcolm – Head of Year 8
- Mr L Cain - Head of Year 9
- Miss A V Garawal – Head of Year 10 (Maternity Leave)
- Mrs S Parker – Head of Year 11
- Ms M Jeffers - Head of Year
- Mr M Mills – Interim Head of Year 12
- Ms Z Gordon – Head of Year 13
- Mr D Beale – Senior Deputy DSL
- Mrs L Williams – Inclusion Manager - Deputy Mental Health Lead
- Mr J Lionga – Link Manager
Site Team
- Mr M Clapham CRST Hub Premises and Health and Safety Manager
- Mr S Hackett Senior Site Supervisor
- Mr M Fletcher Site Supervisor
- Mr P Maguire Site Supervisor
Catering Staff
- Miss W Hopkins – Catering Manager
- Miss J Ward – Deputy Catering Manager
- Miss A Amadu
- Mrs S Chohan
- Mrs A Dhillon
- Miss B Kaur
- Mrs Y Lohoso Malonga
- Mrs T Patel
Cleaning Staff
- Mrs L Glass – BSS Cleaning Supervisor
- Ms I Ferreira
- Mrs J Kaur
- Mrs T Manning
- Mrs H Patel
- Mrs S Patel
Catering & Cleaning Staff
- Mrs K R Devi
- Mrs W Gordan-Revan
- Mrs K Rani
- Mrs M Kaur
Exam Invigilators
- Sister M Sebastian Ogwuike
- Ms N Ashraf
- Ms A Kabra
- Mr S Sarai
- Ms P Uppal
- Mr A Uppal
- Ms R Matharu
- Ms Z Brown
- Ms C Johnson